General Education Resources
General Education Documents
Special Education Resources
Albuquerque Talent Development Academy is a 100% inclusion school. We believe that this model, in compliance with Federal guidelines, is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for students to thrive and meet academic success. Our goal is to meet all students’ particular learning needs and prepare them for a successful transition post-graduation.
At ATDA, we also nurture social-emotional growth in students and include them in their special education decision making. We feel like it is important for the special education student’s IEP Team-student, family, teachers and related service providers (if applicable) to work together in a holistic manner to achieve positive educational outcomes.
To learn more about our special education program at ATDA, please contact our Special Education Department at 505-836-8646.
Special Education Documents
- Chapter-1-Child-Find-Interventions.pdf
- Chapter-2-Procedural-Safeguards.pdf
- Chapter-3-Full-and-Individual-Evaluation.pdf
- Chapter-4-Disabilities-Exceptionalities.pdf
- Chapter-5.1-Individual-Education-Program-IEP.pdf
- Chapter-5.2-Additional-IEP-Requirements.pdf
- Chapter-6-Least-Restrictive-Environment-LRE.pdf
- Chapter-7-Discipline-Behavior.pdf
- Chapter-8-General-Administration.pdf
New Mexico Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Hotline
As a requirement of the Black Education Act, passed in the 2021 New Mexico General Legislative Session, all school districts and charter schools in the state of New Mexico must provide links to a statewide hotline that can be used to report racially charged incidents and/or racialized aggression. ATDA has provided these resources for parents and students below so that school-based incidents involving racism and/or discrimination may be accurately reported.
Contact the New Mexico Anti-Racism Hotline
- Anti-Racism Portal Link:
- Report Incident: Online Incident Report FormExternal link